Length | Hauteur | Barbe |
< 40 mm (hauteur) | 1.3 mm |
40.01-50 mm | 1.4 mm |
50.1-65 mm | 1.8 mm |
65.1-80 mm | 2.3 mm |
80.1 mm | 2.9 mm |
It is clear that the results, even obtained from an identical lot and measured by the same laboratory may vary within these limits. Each measurement is affected by some degree of variation and, therefore, no absolute value can in any case be given to a result however precise it may be. Thus INTERWOOLLABS' limits of acceptance, conceived and set on a scientific basis much stricter than the normal testing tolerances set out in the I.W.T.O. Red Book, must be considered in conjunction with a test result which they balance and determine.
The communication of a test result must necessarily be accepted as having limits within it will be recognised as valid.